Please see below a list of our most frequently asked questions.

Each step in our admission process is outlined on the website. Early registration is advised.

The main entry point is at reception - children are admitted to reception in the autumn term of the school year after they turn 4. Additionally, we have intakes at 7, 8, 11 and 13 years of age (school years 3,4,7 and 9), with occasional places available in other years.

Entry to reception is automatic for children attending the Nursery, and entry to Prep is automatic for pupils from the Pre-Prep. Entry to Fulham Senior is, in turn, automatically accessible for pupils from the Prep, who reserve places in March of the year during which they turn 11 (school year 6).

External applicants who wish to join from ages 7, 8, 11 and 13 (school years 3, 4, 7 and 9), must register by the 31st of October in the year prior to the September entry. All external applicants for school years 3, 4, 7, 9, and 12 must register by the 31st of October in the year prior to September entry.

Depending on the date of registration, gender and birth date, applicants are placed on one of three lists:

  1. The main list: those who are guaranteed an offer of a place
  2. The reserve list: those who are likely to be offered a place once the main list responses have been processed
  3. The wait list: those who will be offered places, in strict order, as and when they become available.

Main list offers are made in the January of the starting year, and reserve list offers in February.

Siblings of children currently being educated at the school are given priority, subject to the availability of places. A 10% discount is applied to the younger child’s/children’s fees while the oldest child is still attending school.

Download the admissions policy

Whilst our Pre-Prep School is non-selective and offers of places are considered on a first-come, first-served, basis, external registered candidates that join the Fulham School in subsequent years need to complete a process of assessment and an interview by January of the school year before they start.

All external applicants for school years 3, 4, 7, 9, and 12 must enrol by the 31st of October in the year prior to the September entry. All registered candidates complete a process of online assessment and an interview by January of the school year they wish to enrol for. The process is designed to help us maintain a balanced cohort with a diverse mix of abilities.

At 16+ (entry into year 12) candidates complete an online CAT test, together with 3 x half-hour papers (A Level subjects of their choice). They also need to attend an interview with our Senior Leadership team. The assessment takes place in mid-November with places offered during the first week of December of the year prior to entry.

Occasional places may be available outside of the formal entry points. This will generally involve an interview as well as an informal assessment, with children invited to spend some time in a class of pupils of a similar age.

If you are ready to submit your application, please complete our online registration form.

Nursery: 8.25 am to 3.30 pm
Pre-Prep: 8.25 am to 3.15 pm (Reception); 8.25 am to 3.30 pm (Years 1 and 2)
Prep: 8.30 am to 3.45 pm
Senior: 8.30 am to 4.15 pm

Fulham School proudly offers smaller class sizes (up to 20) throughout the Pre-Prep School, from Nursery through to Year 2. In the Senior School, the maximum class size is 22, but many optional groups are much smaller.

Alongside the extensive curriculum programme of sport, music and drama, we also offer a variety of lunchtime and after-school clubs as optional extras, allowing children of different ages to explore a broad range of interests.

Some clubs are operated by our staff and others by external agencies. Occasional half-term and holiday clubs are also provided depending on demand.

In any given year, it is expected that half or more of the pupils from the Prep may continue to the Senior School, with others moving on to an array of competitive senior day and boarding schools at 11+ or 13+, and, at 18+, gain entry into universities, training facilities or employment.

Fulham pupils are supported throughout their Senior School education by their tutor who knows them best and monitors their academic progress closely. However, subject specialist guidance, coupled with a close overview from the Head of School, ensures a smooth set of applications alongside the busy final year of study.

The Parents' Association is very committed and active. Its dual aims are to provide extra-curricular activities for children and parents, and to raise funds for charities, occasionally contributing to the schools' own chosen charity.

All parents are welcome to become members and a class representative will ensure that parents are kept informed of the various events scheduled throughout the year.

Several buses are offered free of charge for children attending the school. There are also several other paid bus routes serving the school sites.

More information

Our school has a compulsory school uniform which aims to encourage a sense of identity, belonging and pride in children. The outfit is colourful, comfortable and practical to wear.

A uniform list is sent out with school admission instructions. The Fulham Prep Parents' Association organises second-hand uniform sales several times a year.

Pupils in our sixth form do not wear a prescribed outfit, but follow a dress code of smart/casual business attire.

View uniform

FAQs on Girls Scholarships 

We offer academic scholarships based in STEM, creative scholarships for talented artists, dramatists and musicians and sports scholarships for keen sportswomen. Once at Fulham, scholarships are reviewed at least annually based on the performance during the previous school year.  

There is a programme that scholars are expected to engage in to nurture the talent identified and support the overall school in their chosen specialism. 

Scholarship awards may be up to 100% of the school fees for the next academic year.  

For 2024 entry, all girl applicants until 16th April 2024 will be considered for a girls scholarship. After this, please contact Admissions directly if you would like your daughter to be considered for a scholarship. 

For 2025 entry and beyond, please indicate on your application form that you wish to be considered for a scholarship. 

For 2024 entry, the main application deadline is 16th April 2024. Any direct applications after this date will be considered on a case-by-case basis by our Head.  

For 2025 entry and beyond, the application deadline is the same as that of the main application deadline. 

Applicants will complete a CAT4 assessment, a short interview with a member of our SLT and participate in some academic lessons and other activities during the day. The lessons and activities will be observed and used to inform the scholarship awards.

We prefer that the girls aren’t overly prepared for the assessments as this allows us to understand their natural talent. We are also looking for their love of the area as well!

We recommend discussing the process with your daughter and reassuring them that this is not something to worry about as we are looking for your daughter to be the best she can be. Your daughter should feel confident in her interests and be able to share them in class or in a one-to-one interview setting.

If your daughter has a special educational need or special circumstances, please contact our Admissions team to discuss directly. We aim to provide a fair and positive experience for all applicants and make adjustments where possible and practical.

No, Fulham School only offer scholarships. However, the scholarship awards can be up to 100% of the school fees.

Contact Us Today

For more information about our school, contact our Admissions Team, who will be happy to assist you.